Let's be honest for a second - the word 'moral' has become an archaic ideal. The idea of right and wrong is lost on a generation and a culture that lives for a different purpose. To argue morality with someone today is a bold and offensive attack on their character, based only on antiquated opinions that have been spoon fed to you blindly from a brainwashed ancestry. Morals are opinions - opinions formed in the absence of logical thought.
Welcome to today. Are you ready for it?
The Pros: I know the opening paragraph sounded negative, but there is a hope inside this new world order where people of faith can find rest. Those that came before us, came up in a society where the morality of scripture was widely accepted and mostly respected by even tepid Americans. A nation built on Judeo-Christian ethics - was a welcomed definition for people from all walks of American life.
Perhaps I am glorifying a past I did not personally experience, but I can say, without hesitation: in the present "your rules" do not apply to me. They do not apply to my friends or the strangers in my city. They are called "your rules" for a reason - they are for you.
This idea can knock the wind out of any self-respecting evangelical christian. God has a bigger plan than the sin in our lives. So when the people we are evangelizing to refuse to agree with us, when they refuse to define their actions as "bad," where do we go?
Jesus already covered this. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus addresses several key moral issues with the phrase, "You have heard that it was said..." and then goes on to quote the laws, or the rules. He then goes on to identify a heart issue over an action. Essentially He is saying, "you may be following the rules, but that doesn't mean your heart is in the right place." Murder, lust, divorce, and revenge happened to be the hot button issues that day, but His focus was on the heart.
The point is this - whether or not people agree with our take on moral behaviors - if their heart does not get introduced to Jesus, they will remained unchanged. Unless we care for their heart, the way Jesus wants them to be cared for - then we are just indoctrinating them into a culture that is based on actions, not on true redemption. We want them to "look" better - Jesus wants them to actually be healed. It starts with their heart.
Well, Amen! Praise the Lord!! Hallelujah!!! Glory to God!!!! I wish I had seen "a zillion" comments/responses! So glad that as I scrolled down a little, I did see at least one...better than none! Watchman on the Wall...Keep Writing and Admonishing!!