

Alright, so this blog is supposed to be about living out a real faith in a real world.

Tonight I was reminded of something very real, something that I have been blessed in many ways to avoid recently - being hurt.

Ooooh, and tonight was a zinger. One of those that cuts to the core of you are, have been, and will be. One of those events that sends you reeling, wondering where to go next.

(This is also connected to another very real issue - disappointment! More on that another time.)

As much as we like to stay positive and see the blessings in life, it is very common for all people (including followers of Christ) to be straight up hurt. There is a moment before we think on prayer, or before the questions come to ask God when we just feel that wave of pain strike and the groaning seeps  out between our ribs.

I could take the easy way out and remind you that your faith is shown in your response. It's true. Where we turn, how we turn, and to whom we turn are all measures of the faith we possess. I would argue that our nature prompts us to raise a clenched fist to heaven at these times, but faith lifts open palms.

The maturity of this response, however, has to be learned. It has to be modeled by others who have walked a similar or the exact same journey. Tonight I was blessed to share this specific hurt with someone very close. It reminded me that some of the greatest lessons I have learned have not come from a witty sermon or an emotional youtube video, but from those who have held me up when I thought all was lost. Or from those who demonstrated strength that surpassed their natural ability. Watching these brothers or sisters respond to hurt, by leaning on Christ, strengthened my faith and encouraged my soul.

Likewise, I can say, without a doubt, that the best lessons I have taught have not come through my vast theological understanding. The greatest connections I have made with anyone have come through an opportunity to share my past hurts with them and urge them to hold on to hope through any struggle.

Hurting is a real thing. We ought not to ignore it.

I know you have been hurt. I know there are people around you hurting. Seek them out and encourage them. My prayer is that you will see the unending benefits of having a mentor through the pain and seek your own next time the wave hits.

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